AquaBounty employees tending to nets located in the salmon tanks in facility

Land-Based Fish Farming

The Benefits of Land-Based Fish Farming

By raising our Atlantic salmon in carefully monitored, land-based fish farms – also known as Recirculating Aquaculture Systems – we're able to create a safe environment for our fish. As in the wild, our salmon school and swim naturally. But unlike in the wild or sea-cage farms, our carefully monitored systems and indoor tanks protect the salmon from disease and contaminants, eliminating the need for antibiotics.

Of course, the benefits of land-based fish farming don't stop at our salmon. Read on to see how our controlled process and scalable model takes care of the planet, too. 

Water flowing from tank at AquaBounty farm

Smarter Use of Natural Resources

With "recirculating" right in the name, our farms are designed for efficiency. More than 95% of the water in our tanks can be filtered and reused to continuously create a safe and healthy environment for the fish. All waste is filtered out of the system. This organic material, rich in nutrients, is ideal for agriculture fertilizer. Every resource is thoughtfully used to minimize waste.

Greater Access to Fresh Salmon  

Because land-based farms are not restricted to the coastlines, they can be located almost anywhere. More specifically, they can be located closer to restaurants, grocery stores and, ultimately, the people enjoying our salmon. Not only does this translate into fresh fish, but it also dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with the airfreight of imported salmon.

FAQ: Land-Based Fish Farming

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