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Oct 20, 2016
CRISPR: To eat or not to eat, a debate on gene edited food
Gene editing, especially CRISPR technology, is predicted to have significant impact on future food production. Many gene edited foodstuffs are already under development, including disease-resistant livestock, crops that grow faster, allergy-friendly products and foods with a longer shelf life.
View the debate. (begins at 6:18 on timeline)
Debate held at
Cutting Edge Festival 2016, Norway on 18 October 2016.
Dr. Bruce Whitelaw, Roslin Institute, Scotland
Dr. Margret Engelhard, Germany
Dr. Eli Grindflek, Norsvin, Norway
Dr. Anna Wargelius, IMR, Norway
Debate duels:
Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg from NMBU and Gaute Eiterjord from Network for GMO-free food and feed.
Tage Thorstensen from Nibio and Thomas Bohn from GenØk.