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Oct 20, 2016

CRISPR: To eat or not to eat, a debate on gene edited food

Gene editing, especially CRISPR technology, is predicted to have significant impact on future food production. Many gene edited foodstuffs are already under development, including disease-resistant livestock, crops that grow faster, allergy-friendly products and foods with a longer shelf life. View the debate. (begins at 6:18 on timeline) Debate held at Cutting Edge Festival 2016, Norway on 18 October 2016. Panel: Dr. Bruce Whitelaw, Roslin Institute, Scotland Dr. Margret Engelhard, Germany Dr. Eli Grindflek, Norsvin, Norway Dr. Anna Wargelius, IMR, Norway Debate duels: Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg from NMBU and Gaute Eiterjord from Network for GMO-free food and feed. Tage Thorstensen from Nibio and Thomas Bohn from GenØk.

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